Leading Women Under 40 Awards

Leading Women Under 40 Awards Celebration

The Daily Record hosted the Leading Women Under 40 Awards Celebration on August 24th, of which Keswick was the “Recognition Sponsor” for the event. Leading Women recognizes women age 40 or younger for the tremendous accomplishments they have made so far in their careers. Winners are selected by a panel of judges based on professional experience, community involvement and a commitment to inspiring change.

Keswick provided Michaela Cousins, a nursing student in her senior year at Notre Dame of Maryland University, with the L. Patrick Deering Scholarship of $2,000. This Scholarship supports those who plan to pursue healthcare as their life’s work, and this year, imagine our joy in reading of our winner’s experience and interest in supporting older adults.

View the Daily Record’s Digital Edition of the event here.

Thank you, Michaela!

Michaela Cousin and Keswick CEO Aileen Tinney (left). Keswick Director of Quality Assurance Gloria Lay, Michaela, and Keswick Director of Clinical Reimbursement Chanise Adkins (right).