Between 1945 and 1966, with the sponsorship of John Entenza’s “Arts and Architecture” magazine, some of the most interesting and experimental houses in the US were built in California. Blurring the line between indoors and outdoors and using modern materials to create new kinds of spaces, these houses suggested that a different type of domestic life was possible in the years after WWII. Learn about the program’s regional roots, the houses themselves, and the long-term impact of the Case Study program. Facilitator: John Jewitt, Enoch Pratt Free Library. You may choose to attend Live or Virtually.
Date: Monday, August 14 Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Fee: Free *RSVP Events are FREE, so they will not appear in your shopping cart. You are automatically registered.
If you have any questions about this class, or to register, please call our Wise & Well representative at 410-662-4363. 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Weekdays.